Yesterday afternoon I felt zapped. Immediately, I thought how great would a blue
Gatorade be. Well, the truth is I bought that blue
Gatorade. The nice thing is I have a lot of great people around me who daily remind me Don't give in. Thanks Coach! I have not drank this blue Gatorade. Not only that, I am going to leave this blue Gatorade at my desk to remind myself don't give in to the temptations!
Yesterday's Food:
4 slices of Turkey Bacon
Snack: Couple scoops of PB
Lunch: Half Turkey roasted
Snack when got home: handful of peanuts
Dinner: I got lazy and got a grilled chicken ceaser salad.
Yesterday's Workout Thanks to my Coach:
Warm up Squats no weight to get form down
Work Weight(135) Did 3*5 Squats( I am really feeling this in my inner thighs)
Dead lifts:
Warm up to get form down
1 set of 5 142 pounds
Chin ups:
2 sets of 5 needed some assist from the Coach
Team relay with carrying 45 pound bar over head or 35
dumbbells(rotated with
teammate when got tired of carrying one or the other)
Last thing was we sprinted against each other. While I may not have been the fastest I felt like I was moving pretty good.
Morning Weight this Thursday 234. Yikes added a couple of pounds. I need to really follow the good food bad food list. I am going to be strict in the next couple of months to come.